11. Jean Pierre6 Prenat (Pierre François5, Jean Maurice4, Jacques3, Jean2 Perrenat, Richard1).
Born: 17 Fructidor An 2 de la Republique, Villars le Sec, Belfort, France. The date given for Jean Pierre's birth uses the French Republican Calendar, which covered dates from October 24, 1793 until its official abandonment in 1805. This calendar begins counting time retroactively from September 22, 1792 as Year I (one in Roman numerals), the date when the French monarchy of Louis XVI was abolished and the French Republic of Napoleon was established. The calendar has 12 months, with 3 weeks of 10 days in each month, and an additional 5 or 6 days in the final month of the year to bring it into accord with the earth's solar cycle. However, this reckoning brings the date of Jean Pierre's birth into doubt. Indeed, I hope to resolve the issue of why there are purportedly two Jean Pierres in the same immediate family. (See below.) I suspect that these two people may be one and the same. Spouse: Marie Généreuse Lardon; married 18 Feb 1819. Jean Pierre Prenat (born 13 Dec 1792, Villars le Sec, Belfort, France). Served with Napoleon I, 12e bat. du train d'equipages, du train d'artillerie de la garde. Receiver of the Sainte Helene's medal, created in 1857 by Napoleon III to reward the 390,000 soldiers still living who fought with Napoleon I during the 1792 - 1815 wars.
=============================================== Children of Jean Pierre Prenat and Marie Généreuse Lardon:
For a full list of the known descendants of Richard Perrenat, please contact Thomas Prenatt Newton by e-mail at newtgen@ziagold.net. Information from that list will be published on this Web site in piecemeal form as time allows. If you are a Prenat or a Prenatt, or a descendant of someone with one of these surnames, and you would like to participate in research and discussions of Prenatt genealogy, please sign up for the Prenatt Genealogy Blog. |